Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just a thought

It is a Thursday evening and I just got back from my Missionary service in the ARP program(Addiction Recovery program.)We are on Step 3 which is Trust in God, so I thought well that is a great topic to put my thoughts to. But before the meeting started, I was looking In a book of quotes in the institute Library. I happened to turn to a quote by Abraham Lincoln who I admire so much he said " What I do say is, that no man is good enough to govern another man without the others consent"

So I decided to turn my thoughts to what I think about that quote. I will talk about Trust another time.

As I have grown older I have learned to appreciate the great wisdom from our for fathers and this great country we are blessed to live in. I spend some of my time listening to the political process, I love to watch a good debate, you can tell alot about a person if you watch closely to how they speak, their posture, the look on their face, and then of course the words they speak. I feel if I don't listen I will not be able to make a good choice. I hear people say" Their all just crooks" Well some are, but not all, there are many good men and women who choose to serve the citizens of this country for the benefit of all men and women.

We have a government set up that give us freedom to choose who we will let govern us. Sometimes we don't get who we voted for, sometimes we have to wait our turn for our guy to be up. But the point is we have a voice.
This country was organized with a set of checks and balances We are encouraged to vote to use that God given gift of agency and use our voice to say what we think.
Although the church I belong to is Politically Neutral we are encouraged to vote. In the church news recently an article was sent out in Utah as they are preparing for their caucuses. here is a part of it.

"Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in the platforms of the various political parties. We encourage members to attend their precinct caucus meetings
The First Presidency has made the same appeal in the past of encouraging members of the Church to participate, with other good citizens, in the political process as part of their individual civic duty, while the Church itself remains politically neutral."

I personally will choose as my heart and mind dictate, I will listen, think , and pray about my decision when it comes time to place my vote.
I trust the system that was set up for us, it works. We are given a choice to Act or be Acted upon. If we don't vote we are being Acted upon.

The other great quote I read on the white board, was by Thomas S. Monson it said
" The past is behind- Learn from it.. The future is ahead - Prepare for it. Th present is here- Live in it..
We can learn so many great things from the past, but we should not dwell on what could have been or what once was, It is exciting to look to the future for what might be, but we should not spend to much time in state of mind, of what could be. But we should be preparing for the future based on what we have learned and the great wisdom of others. To live in the present is a daily gift, life is precious and we should not waste minute of it.
So I will live in the present, learn from the past, and look forward to a great future. I am excited to see how this election turns out. I hope my guy will win. But if not I will support the laws of this land and be a good citizens. I think that is what is expected of all of us that live in America.
Watch, Listen, and Vote....

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