Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So I jumped...

So the other day I was on a lunch date with my best friend and my grandson at Panda Express. In the seat behind us was a little boy a year older than Atticus; they were having quite the time of it, talking , staring at each other. After a while I think Atticus decided well we have spent time talking to each other so now I want to come over to your seat and hang out.
He kept trying to scoot his way over there via the side closes to the window. Like I cant see the little bugger trying to escape. So we played this game for awhile, not sure I even got to eat or enjoy my lunch or hear any conversation my best friend was telling me. The second I turned my head he was inching his way to the other side, I said to him " Your going to get stuck" he said Not get stuck Bee"Your going to get Stuck" Back and for this went for a while until finally he made a mad rush for the other bench. Stuck!!! So here I am a 46 year grandmother standing up on her seat and jumping over to the other booth. Sitting next to me now are two strangers watching me help my grandson from his now stuck position. Oh how this brings back all the memories with my five wee ones. Thank goodness his head was easily retrieved and the sweet girl next to me let me slide out instead of climbing over the way I came.
Well the one good thing is that my friend said I jumped over so fast that no one would have noticed if I did it gracefully or not.
So as I reflect on this little experience of mine; I was thinking about all the times we tell someone "Hey this is yummy or you should try it; or you should read this book it is amazing. We think just based on what we know that by our experience or our likes that you of course would want to taste, read or try some new experience. Of course this does have merit we gain friendships and we base our minds on what we learn from others But ultimately we decide what decisions we will make good or bad.
So my grandson did not believe he would get stuck just because I told him he would; he chose to check it out himself and then he got to experience the consequences himself.
Nor will I be surprised if he tries it again just to make sure his head should not fit between a table and a glass wall.
I heard this great story tonight about this beautiful place with a great vista over looking the valley, many people would go right to the edge just to get as close to this great vastness and beauty that lay out before them. They would go so close that they would fall to the bottom; and have to be rescued by the local ambulance; where recovery from their folly was possible.
In this beautiful place it became quite common for visitors to fall off the vista, the ambulance was kept quite busy. So the towns people got together and talked over whether they should purchase more ambulances or build a fence to protect the many on lookers. What a question.In our lives do we build fences or boundaries that keep us safe or do we teeter over the edge hoping not to fall, sometimes falling and hoping their is an ambulance close by to pick up the pieces.
We are given commandments to protect us, and keep us close to Lord
In the Book of Mormon their is a story about Father who sees a beautiful tree who bares amazing white fruit, that delights the eye. He partakes of the fruit, it is delicious to the taste. Based on his experience he wants his family to come and taste this amazing fruit, he beckons them to come to him. His wife and two of his sons come and partake but two of his sons refuse. Later in the story one of his sons who partook of the fruit desires to know the meaning of this dream. So he goes and asks the Lord, It is revealed to him that the tree and the fruit represent the Love of God. There is much more to this story but just this small part means so much.
As a parent we want to share all that we can that is good and will bring our children success. Our job is to set the example by living our lives in accordance with God's commandments.
I have learned over time that consistency really does matter, it is important to be patient, long suffering, kind, and slow to anger.
Like this Fathers story in the Book of Mormon he is taught about the Love of God so he want so much to teach it to his children so that they too can experience for themselves joy.
So how many times will I have to jump over a table? No idea.


  1. How insightful! Thanks for sharing. I'm enjoying your blog! Keep up the good work.
