Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A need to fill up my cup

My family all became ill last week, so when Sunday came around we were all to sick to attend church. Oh how I missed partaking of the Sacrament and hearing the word of the Lord. There is a reason we attend weekly and why we take the Sacrament weekly.
It gives us the opportunity to renew the covenants we have made at our Baptism and for those who have made Temple covenants to re commit and repent of our sins.
In the Doctrine and Covenants Section 59: 7 -9 It says "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things,
Thou shalt offer a sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in righteousness, even that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day.
So missing Sunday was hard for me, I rely on the Sacrament and the rest of my church service to keep me going through the week.

So come Monday morning I felt my cup empty, and as the week dragged on it was struggle to get through. Obviously being sick makes your physical body tired and dragging. I knew there was only so much I could do to feel better. I could take medicine, cough drops, try and get extra sleep, which never happens by the way. This was going to take its course and I just have to endure it with patience. Well I am now on my 8th day of this stupid cold, this morning I read a quote by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf on Patience.
"Patience means active waiting and enduring. It means staying with something and doing all that we can—working, hoping, and exercising faith." - This is my favorite quote on patience, it really says exactly what it is. When we ask for patience most of the time I think we are asking to make it go away, instead of help me while this lasts.

Thank you President Uchtdorf for the reminder....

So of course I am always looking for a spiritual parallel in my coming on goings. It helps me to stay spiritually fit to always look for that connection. If you look you can find God in everything.

The Savior taught in parables, he took everyday activities and turned them into a spiritual comparison. What a great way to teach a gospel principle. Those who are looking would understand and those with hard hearts were just confused. One of my favorite parables is the parable of the Ten Virgins; From the primary Manuel( A book that we teach our children ages 4 to 12) it explains it as follows "the parable is based on ancient Jewish wedding customs. The bridegroom and his friends escorted the bride from her home to the home of the bridegroom. Along the way friends of the bride waited to join them. When they arrived at the bridegroom’s home, they all went inside for the wedding. These weddings usually took place in the evenings, so those waiting for the bride and bridegroom carried lamps."
The Savior taught a great lesson from a basic common costume of the time. If they wanted to meet the bridegroom they needed to be have their lamps trimmed and filled with oil, or they would miss the event. So what does the oil represent? To me it means being spiritually and physically prepared for short term and long term goals. I know the Savior will come someday, when ? don't know. But what I do know; is that we are to prepare for his coming. Spiritually and Temporally, Just like in the parable: in order to enjoy the festivities the girls needed to have their lamps prepared, so when the five virgins realized their lamps were not ready they wanted to borrow oil from their prepared friends. Some might think why did they not share so all could join. I look at that precious oil as all my life experiences that have built my testimony of my Savior. The time I have been preparing myself for his return. Our testimony and Faith is a personal choice to have and work on. Only we as individuals know were we stand with the Lord. We have to work on ourselves little by little, having faith and patience in ourselves.

The wise virgins who had prepared themselves for the coming their Lord were ready and they could not share their oil, it was their hard work, faith, and testimony it belonged only to them.
I think individual can lean on someones faith and testimony until they are strong enough on their own. That is the beauty of the gospel to share our light so others will see and want to enjoy the fruits of the gospel. Being a member of the church is such a joy, but I would be miss leading if I did not say it is work, It is hard work, it was meant to be. No pain no gain, that is why are asked to sacrifice our time and talents to Lord. If you want to be physically fit you must exercise, if you want to be spiritually fit you must spiritually exercise. But it is the greatest work and the rewards are eternal.

While I have been sick, I noticed my lack of enthusiasm for about everything ,it came to my mind that I have such limited control over this cold. I have to do my part in order to keep functioning. So as I mentioned before I am always looking for a spiritual parallel, so I can keep growing and learning. I learned more this week while I was sick. I honestly can say It is so important to keep up on our prayers, scripture reading, service to family and friends, repentance. All these things and many more keep our lamps full of spiritual oil.

So although I was tired and not feeling well, I knew I needed to rely on the Lord to get through the week, as I could not miss work or stop life all together. All though I did think a pause button might have been useful at some moments.

Well our family is now on the downhill slide of this silly cold, I am grateful for my health and the blessings I have in my life. I wish only through this blog to help those who are looking for comfort or direction to their Savior. It also helps me to see where I am in my life at the moment, I think putting your feelings on paper really gives you pause to think and focus. So of course I desire to be a Lady with a fully trimmed and oil filled lamp.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The sweetness that comes from Forgiveness

A commandment close to my heart is forgiveness. I think it is a very misunderstood commandment.
If you are a person of faith, it is something you will be familiar with. If you don't have a religion you follow but you lead your life by conscience, I still think forgiveness is something most of us are aware of. But what to do with it? Is it in the back of the closet, something we pull out when necessary. Or is it always there in the front pocket ready to pull out and use.
I believe Repentance and forgiveness are interlinked. Richard G. Scott said" Repentance is the gateway to Forgiveness"

Repentance is an humbling act on our part, where we ask our Father in Heaven to forgive us of our sins.

Each day I begin my day with prayer giving thanks for my blessing, asking for his spirit to be with me(Holy Ghost, third member of the God Head) each day to guide my day. I ask for blessing for those I love, and for those unknown to me; but I am sure need prayers. I ask forgiveness of my sins and the ability to resist temptation. I then close in our Saviors name. Every prayer is never exactly the same but I do follow a pattern. I greet him and thank him, then I ask him for things I feel impressed to seek or that I might need help with. Always seeking his will not mine. I am so thankful for prayer just to know that he is just a thought a way. The more you practice praying the easier it is. You realize you can pray anywhere anytime. Because I pray it is easier for me to see the need to forgive and be forgiven.

I am so thankful that Heavenly is patient with me, and I know he expects me to give that same courtesy to my fellow brothers and sisters. Now that being said, it is a process that takes time. That is why I chose to write about it. It is something I know that I will have to be diligent about in order to see changes in myself. That is why is said it is misunderstood, I see many who try to change their lives for the better but they are hung up on forgiving others as well as themselves. There is story about a little girl, who gets a splinter, she goes to he Father and asks him to please remove the splinter. You can picture this little girls tear filled eyes. Of course her Father wants to help,so he goes and gets the needle, tweezers, ointment, and band aid. The little girl says to her Father" no Daddy just put a band aid on it. " Of course he explains that if he just puts a band aid on it, it will fester and she could get and infection and it will hurt even more.
This is what happens when we don't take care of the hurt and pains caused by life's lessons. We don't really clean out the closet we just sweep it in a corner and hope it stays there after we shut the door.

My husband and I serve in our church as service missionaries for the Addiction Recovery
Program. It mirrors the Original Alcoholics anonymous 12 step program.

Step 8 is Titled Seeking forgiveness, each step is separated into 3 parts. First is the key principle, second action steps, Third is study and understanding. In this particular step in the actions steps their is a great teaching moment that really helps, it is as follows. "
In preparation for making amends, many of us have found the following exercise helpful. Think of someone for whom you have had hard feelings. For two weeks,deliberately kneel and pray for him or her each day.Keep a record of changes in your thoughts and feelings about that person. (See Matthew 22:37–38; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 4:19; Moroni 7:44–48.)
When I came across this step it was such an answer to a prayer, I had been struggling with how to let go of some hurt and disappointment. I felt I was justified because it was done to me so I could hold hard feelings. It was killing me to keep it. So this was my answer, I set a plan and and prayed for two weeks for this person. I actually missed a night and I felt it,I knew if was making a difference. I can honestly say it was the best thing for me. To forgive really forgive; application of a great principle was now applied and I learned a great lesson. I can now walk the walk not just talk the talk.

There is a great quote by Ralf Waldo Emerson. "That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed; but our power to do will increase"

That which we desire, we will eventually overtime become. Practice makes perfect. All great motivating sayings.
The beauty of it is, when applied and after hard work and persistence; It works.

Repentance truly is the gateway to Forgiveness. I am so grateful for this commandment.
In Doctrine and Covenants Chapter 64 9 -11 It says "Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin.
10 I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.
11 And ye ought to say in your hearts—let God judge between me and thee, and reward thee according to thy deeds."
In my calling I get to witness people change, they let go of addictions, they become close to God. They Forgive themselves and others. They then become mold able, just like the clay in the potters hand. They become the masters hands.
We have such and opportunity to make the most out of the life that our Father in Heaven has blessed us with. To be the Son or Daughter he knows we can be and should be. He is just waitng to bless us as we comply with his laws. For we are tuly blessed by the commandments we keep.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The ennobiling principle of work

There is a quote by Dieter F Uchtdorf from a talk titled Two principles for Any Economy.

" It is often in the trial of adversity that we learn those most critical lessons that form our character and shape our destiny"

The two principles he speaks about are Work and Learning. These two principles no one should try to escape but we should embrace them as our lifeline to help us become and overcome.

In his talk he says that " work is an antidote for anxiety, and ointment for sorrow, and a doorway to possibility"

As my work week ended this week I was grateful to come upon this article as a reminder of how important it is to work and learn. As I reflect upon this past week my first thoughts are I am grateful it is over; then on a more realistic note, I am grateful for the ladies I work with who I could not do what I do without them. My job is to lead in feeding a thousand students two meals everday. That equals to about 1700 or so meals everyday.

There are fifteen of us who under my stewardship pull off this great task.
So you can only imagine the fun we have, the work is mind boggling and back breaking sometimes, but very rewarding. We always start our day off with great music, we have been known to dance and sing while we work. There are many times that I will be doing some computer work and one of my girls will come and get me so I can join in the line as we dance around the whole kitchen to one of their favorite songs. You learn a lot about people when you spend eight hours a day with them, they become an extension of your family.

In spending that much time and doing what we do; there will be times that mistakes are made. This past week was one of those times. I was asked to make Oatmeal cookies for all the elementary sites, that is a lot of cookies. There are about 10 or so sites and they all need 500 to 700 cookies. I have until Feb 10th to get them ready. We will make the dough and freeze it then send it out for them. This week I needed to get started, I am currently missing two of my employees for a large period of time and have had several girls out sick, but the cookies still need to get done. So the adventure began this week, without telling the whole story needless to say a mistake was made where an amount of a particular ingredient was added to the dry ingredients.

So now instead of making a batch of 400 cookies we will now have to make this batch for 1600 cookies. That is a lot of product!!!! One example it will take 96 eggs to pull this off. So the rest of week was spent figuring this out. We have still yet to finish, and will start Monday ready to tackle it.

The greatest thing that I learned from this experience is One :Mistakes will happen and its okay, Two : appreciation for the people you work with, Three :Friday always comes, Four: I am a lucky lady to have such a great place to work and the freedom to be creative.

Would I have learned this without this particular experience, didn't I already fill this way?
I think all experiences add up and reinforce our belief system.
Work is what make us who we are, the work we do tells a story about us.
Another quote from the previous talk mentioned by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, God is much more likely to assist the man who gets out to push than the man who merely raises his voice in prayer—no matter how eloquent the oration. President Thomas S. Monson put it this way: “It is not enough to want to make the effort and to say we’ll make the effort. … It’s in the doing, not just the thinking, that we accomplish our goals. If we constantly put our goals off, we will never see them fulfilled.”

At almost 47 I still have many mornings ahead of me that will start at 4 am and end with my work at home at 10 pm. Am I tired most of the time? I am; but I find that in hard work there is an energy that comes form no other place. It propells me forward to keep going ,kind of like that little choo choo train... I think I can, I think I can .

" The Lord doesn’t expect us to work harder than we are able. He doesn’t (nor should we) compare our efforts to those of others. Our Heavenly Father asks only that we do the best we can—that we work according to our full capacity, however great or small that may be."
Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

If we want to be educated we have to study, If we want to be physically fit we have to exercise and eat right, if we want to be successful at a work or life in general we have to Work at it.
Small steps !!!!
6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
7 And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls. Alma 37: 6&7
So let's all role up our sleeves and be engaged in the work that is our lives.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Love thy Neighbor

Love thy neighbor as thyself: As member of the LDS faith(Mormon) we attend church in a three hour block. Sacrament(Communion to some) Sunday School and Relief Society for the Sisters and Priesthood for the Men. In the third hour the women and men are all studying the same thing; talks by our past Prophet George Albert Smith.

The topic Love thy neighbor was the subject: In Matthew 22 37-40 it states Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

So what does it really mean to love thy neighbor? and who is our neighbor?

In the lesson George Albert Smith said the following

"All people are our brothers and sisters, children of our Heavenly Father.
We look upon all men as our brothers, all women as our sisters; we look upon the face of every human being that is in the world as a child of our Father, and believe that as each is in the image of the Father, so also each possesses a spark of divinity that if developed will prepare us to return to His presence." …

When we get up and face each day do we look at each person we come in contact that way?

It is a worthy goal, to look at all mankind as a brother or sister as a child of God. In families we know that it is not always peaches and cream there is happy times and hard times; so it is with our neighbor there will be many people we struggle to get along with. But if we look at our neighbor as a Child of God we can see them as our Father in Heaven sees them as his child who he loves unconditionally.

Pres Smith goes on to say : "As I think of my regard and my affection for my Father’s family, the human family, I remember something my earthly father said, and I think probably I inherited that in part from him. He said, “I have never seen a child of God so deep in the gutter that I have not had the impulse to stoop down and lift him up and put him on his feet and start him again.” I would like to say I have never seen one of my Father’s children in my life that I have not realized he was my brother and that God loves every one of his children."

When I read his comments I thought to myself how am I doing am I true... do I treat my fellow friends, co workers, the man on the corner with the sign, the person who cuts you off on the freeway and most importantly my family. So I decided to put myself to the test.. and pay attention to my actions through the week as life came at me. Well I have to say when I focused my attention on myself I saw more clearly all the different situations I had an opportunity to respond or serve my neighbor.
It is like that old saying If you ask for patience you will get a trial to test you patience.
The true test of a man or women is when times are difficult or challenging.
I saw how my prayer was answered, I was tested all week. I think I did fine but it defiantly was like looking in the mirror all week; seeing myself and the person I am today, recognizing the improvements I can make.
I have always believed I should love my neighbor as myself, but I think it is time to really work on how I can show my neighbor I love them. It is an individual decision to be kind and caring.
I love that we are given the opportunity to be clay in the Masters hands, to know that he will mold us to the son or daughter he knows we have the capacity to be. Just like Pres Smith stated in the earlier quote. We all have a spark of divinity in us if developed that being the key word. We will then be worthy to live in his presence.
So I will keep up with my efforts to widdle away my weakness and make them my strengths. King Benjamin said " when ye are in the service of your fellow being, ye are only in the service of your God."

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So I jumped...

So the other day I was on a lunch date with my best friend and my grandson at Panda Express. In the seat behind us was a little boy a year older than Atticus; they were having quite the time of it, talking , staring at each other. After a while I think Atticus decided well we have spent time talking to each other so now I want to come over to your seat and hang out.
He kept trying to scoot his way over there via the side closes to the window. Like I cant see the little bugger trying to escape. So we played this game for awhile, not sure I even got to eat or enjoy my lunch or hear any conversation my best friend was telling me. The second I turned my head he was inching his way to the other side, I said to him " Your going to get stuck" he said Not get stuck Bee"Your going to get Stuck" Back and for this went for a while until finally he made a mad rush for the other bench. Stuck!!! So here I am a 46 year grandmother standing up on her seat and jumping over to the other booth. Sitting next to me now are two strangers watching me help my grandson from his now stuck position. Oh how this brings back all the memories with my five wee ones. Thank goodness his head was easily retrieved and the sweet girl next to me let me slide out instead of climbing over the way I came.
Well the one good thing is that my friend said I jumped over so fast that no one would have noticed if I did it gracefully or not.
So as I reflect on this little experience of mine; I was thinking about all the times we tell someone "Hey this is yummy or you should try it; or you should read this book it is amazing. We think just based on what we know that by our experience or our likes that you of course would want to taste, read or try some new experience. Of course this does have merit we gain friendships and we base our minds on what we learn from others But ultimately we decide what decisions we will make good or bad.
So my grandson did not believe he would get stuck just because I told him he would; he chose to check it out himself and then he got to experience the consequences himself.
Nor will I be surprised if he tries it again just to make sure his head should not fit between a table and a glass wall.
I heard this great story tonight about this beautiful place with a great vista over looking the valley, many people would go right to the edge just to get as close to this great vastness and beauty that lay out before them. They would go so close that they would fall to the bottom; and have to be rescued by the local ambulance; where recovery from their folly was possible.
In this beautiful place it became quite common for visitors to fall off the vista, the ambulance was kept quite busy. So the towns people got together and talked over whether they should purchase more ambulances or build a fence to protect the many on lookers. What a question.In our lives do we build fences or boundaries that keep us safe or do we teeter over the edge hoping not to fall, sometimes falling and hoping their is an ambulance close by to pick up the pieces.
We are given commandments to protect us, and keep us close to Lord
In the Book of Mormon their is a story about Father who sees a beautiful tree who bares amazing white fruit, that delights the eye. He partakes of the fruit, it is delicious to the taste. Based on his experience he wants his family to come and taste this amazing fruit, he beckons them to come to him. His wife and two of his sons come and partake but two of his sons refuse. Later in the story one of his sons who partook of the fruit desires to know the meaning of this dream. So he goes and asks the Lord, It is revealed to him that the tree and the fruit represent the Love of God. There is much more to this story but just this small part means so much.
As a parent we want to share all that we can that is good and will bring our children success. Our job is to set the example by living our lives in accordance with God's commandments.
I have learned over time that consistency really does matter, it is important to be patient, long suffering, kind, and slow to anger.
Like this Fathers story in the Book of Mormon he is taught about the Love of God so he want so much to teach it to his children so that they too can experience for themselves joy.
So how many times will I have to jump over a table? No idea.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I thought I was tired.. but then

This morning when I woke up at the crack of dawn; which is my norm. I thought to myself " I am so tired" That was going to be my morning post on Facebook as I paroosed the page. Then I came upon a link I had subscribed to about the Willie Martin Handcart company. Growing up as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, I am very familiar with the story but decided to watch the movie posted anyway.
The handcart company were Saints from England who desired to move West to join the Saints in Utah. Unfortunately they left very late in the migrating season and suffered greatly due to poor weather conditions. Their story is inspirational as they were motivated by their faith to keep moving regardless of their dire circumstances. Needless to say after being reminded of their sacrifice I no longer felt tired.
Here I am in a beautiful home, with my wonderful husband, nice cozy temperature in the house, plenty of food in the cub boards. I have nothing to complain about only many things to be grateful for.
I thought how would I have been on that journey, I don't really know the answer. I would hope to say that I would have been brave. It is a journey I was not required to go through, I am grateful though for those who did and did it well as to inspire me and many others to strive do my best.
I have kept a journal since I was a new Mom documenting my life alongside me children's.
I have often wondered why? I remember always hearing from church leaders the importance of journal keeping
If nothing else, write your testimony. Nephi said, “We … write, to persuade our children … to believe in Christ” (2 Ne. 25:23).
So I have made a meager attempt to do so, hoping someday my children will see my willingness to serve the Lord and be the best Wife and Mother I knew how to be. Through the pages I have written I can see the changes I have made in my life for the positive. I have definitely traveled my own journey.
Imagine if these saints who traveled west had not kept a journal, we would never know their story.
I have often been inspired by my own family history as I have written stories down as I sit at my Grandmothers feet as she tells of her family history.
What story am I writing as I live my life? to most of the world at large it won't matter. To my family and close friends I thinks it matters a lot. There are so many people I look up to and admire, that have motivated me to be the person I am trying to be. So even though I will not likely have to push a handcart in my lifetime. I think we all have our handcarts.
Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast‍ and immovable, always abounding in good works,‍ that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power, and justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in earth, who is God above all” (Mosiah 5:15; emphasis added).
So was I tired this morning? Yes, but that is okay.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I read an article about Religious freedom today. Got me thinking about what a lucky Lady I am to live in a Country that has put Freedom as one of our most important constitutional rights. I am paraphrasing here, but it spoke of how Freedom of Religion is often spoke of as our first freedom whether you are religious or just guided by conscience. Having that Freedom allows us to make decisions for our self based on faith or our own conscience of what we see as the right thing to do.
So what do we do with that Freedom? Take it for granted mostly I think, we are so used to waking up each morning and the water comes out of the faucet, food is in the fridge, car in the driveway, Internet at our fingertips. I guess I just don't want to be a person who takes these great freedoms for granted. So many other nations have seen what we have done and model after this great country. It all comes down to the individual we cant change anyone but ourselves.
Funny how we are all so different all drawn to likes and dislikes. The great thing is we get to choose what we will like and not like. Which faith to follow or not.
I think as Americans if we really want to be a great nation we should take our Freedoms more seriously. Stand up for our beliefs, live them, wear our faith on our sleeve. If we all stood for our faith or good conscience we would all benefit from others good choices.
James and I serve as Addiction Recovery Service Missionaries, it is a non paid service we do for our church. I bring it up because once a week I see great people who come to try to gain their freedom back by learning to live free from addictions. It is hard to be a productive member of society when you are chained to an addiction. I applaud anyone who seeks help to be free.
There is a scripture in Alma 39: 12 - 13 that says" The Spirit of the Lord doth say unto me: Command thy children to do good, lest they lead away the hearts of many people to destruction; therefore I command you my son(or daughter) in the fear(reverence) of God, that ye refrain from your iniquities;
"That ye turn to the Lord with all your mind, might, and strength; that ye lead away the hearts of no more to do wickedly; but rather return unto them, and acknowledge your faults and that wrong which ye have done"
We are all either a good example or bad, If we choose the right we have to opportunity to help other make good choices.
I am thankful for so many wonderful people in my life who set such a great example for me, so when the time came for a choice to be made I had lots of great examples to draw from.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The pitter patter of 38 feet

For the past two weeks 38 feet walked, jumped and ran around my house. And what a joyous noise it was. I started my preparation for Christmas in late September buying a gift every weekend until the I felt I had accomplished the gifts of Christmas. I have been known to go a little crazy with gifts, but I love it so much.... Funny as I type I am listening to Come Thou Fount of every blessing, such an amazing and inspiring song.
The Reason we have Christmas is for the Celebration of our Savior Jesus Christ so by proxy we give gifts to those we love as symbol of the gifts given the Christ Child.
So as I spent dollar after dollar on these symbols, knowing my children and Grandchildren would feel the love I have for them. Not so much because of the gifts but because of the thoughts behind them.
We as a people need Christmas it is the one time of year we really put forth the effort to draw ourselves to our Savior. Should we be that way all year around? YES!!!
So as these feet pitter patterd around my home, I was full of gratitude for a Heavenly Father who helped all the pieces come together. It is not an easy thing to bring together Four Children ( Dylan was missing) Two daughter in laws, Three grandchildren, James and I, three dogs and one traumatized cat. Do the math that equals 38 feet/paws.
Nicholaus sent out an email to everyone that asking each one to be in charge of two meals so I would not have to think of what to cook. So the fun began as each person took on a dinner. Zachary made the first meal it was a two day process General Tso and Orange Chicken with Fried rice and Cream cheese filled wantons: It was amazing... Kailey was next with Chicken Tortilla soup and not just any soup it was soupalicious... Nick and Kat Homemade cream sauce, fettichini with spinach and Brachetta are you jealous yet.. Then came South west egg rolls by Kailey, Coconut Shrimp with Butter garlic sherry Fettichini topped with baby shrimp by Tiffanie, Nick and Kat then made Homemade Chibatta pizzas after a night with the Harrison's they brought home this yummy idea.
So now the tradition begins, we have all shared the recipes on paper and in a few years time we will have a cook book.
It was awesome sharing these fun moments with each other. The best though was all the baby time we had, as Aunts and Uncles played with babies and helped stop Little Atticus from escaping out the doggy door a million time each day. This was Christmas for me.
It was hard to say goodbye to my children who travel long miles to be here. I miss them so much already. I am blessed Mother who has Children who love me and take the time each day to call and check in.
So why Christmas? Why Christ? In Gethsemane as our Savior atoned for our sins by proxy he took on each one of our sins, heartaches, illness, trials, all the human depravity so he personally would know how to succor his people. The greatest gift to mankind was born in a stable, bleed from each pore for our sins, and hung on Calvary's cross, gave up the ghost and then rose on the third day. We have a great debt to pay for this great gift, all he requires is that we keep the commandments, try to live as he lived. I life long process but well worth the journey.

Monday, January 2, 2012


I decided to start a blog as a way of expressing my thoughts and also keeping loved ones up to date on our family.
Before I look forward to a New Year, I thought I would look back at this past year and see the wonder of all the great things that occurred in my life.
Most of you know that we have a amazing Grandson Atticus who is almost two. We have now added two more amazing little people Murphy who is now almost five months, Atticus little brother. Then Came Zoey their little princess cousin. There is a great saying " If I knew how amazing being a Grandparent was I would have done it first" Sounds silly but it is a different joy being a grandparent; almost hard to describe unless you have the privilege of the experience. The best way for me to describe it is. Watching someone you love so much : loving and caring for their little someone.
My goal for last year was to gain personal growth and notice it. I made a goal to read my scriptures each day even if it was for just a few moments. A great Prophet of God Gordon B. Hinckley said" If we read from the pages of the Book of Mormon each day we will have an added measure of the spirit added to our life." I took that challenge and felt it.
I wanted to be kinder and , and be without Guile. A worthy long term goal I will continue to work on.
I guess when you decide to be something over time with hard work, you will eventually become what you desire.
So this past year has been good and although life always has its challenges and trials I like everyone else get up each day and am determined to do it all again and do it better than the day before. Sometimes successful and sometimes not so much.
So I as I reflect on my family and see the amazing things they are doing it brings me joy.
Zachary who is still serving his country after being seriously injured in Iraq is doing fabulously he has a beautiful wife Tiffanie and the joy of his life his daughter Zoey. I look forward to a time when he will be closer so we can see him more often
Nicholaus is now in Southern California working towards his Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Has a beautiful wife Katharine who is expecting their first baby girl Eva in March. He is much closer now only 7hr instead of 11.
Kailey the proud Mother of Two amazing boys; I love watching her raise her babies she is great Mother
Justin who just recently surprised us all by announcing he wants to serve a Mission. He is busy preparing physically and spiritually and plans to put in his papers late summer or early fall. I cant even really express how amazing it was to hear, even though I must say he told me in the most unusual way. I was in the bathroom on the john and he told me through the door. " Oh by the way Mom have I told you yet I have decided to serve a mission" Only Justin would do it that way. Love him
Dylan has been all over the place working for a Sate light company, he now lives in Utah working and doing the young single adult thing. He is an amazing young man and we miss his jokes and laughter in the house.
James is still working at Sunsweet and serves with me as a part time service Missionary for the Addiction Recovery program; we love our calling.
We both enjoy our date nights together which keeps the home fire burning. Our dog Buddy is still kickin and barkin. He is almost Twelve. I have a lot to say about him but I think I will keep that to myself. Love that dog....
So now 2012; well here I come ready for what comes my way. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and sharing great quotes from amazing people. Sharing my Faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is my first quote by Thomas S. Monson President and Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints
" William James, a pioneering American psychologist and philosopher, wrote, “The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference. To do the best we can and then to choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment."