In my wildest dreams I don't think I could have imagined all of the things we can do. When I think back to my childhood and the simpler slower pace that it was. It reminds me of some of the first sparks of an advancing technology; for example: color tv, it had been around for a little while but not all tv was color until the early 70's and at midnight the tv would play the national anthem and then a test pattern would come up.
Then came the blow dryer and the curling iron. Before that I used to stick my head under that big glass dome hair dryer. You would put your hair in curlers and stick your head under it and tada dry hair. Or some of my friends would put their hair in those pink squishy rollers with wet hair and sleep and wake up and they had curls. Then I remember the microwave oven ,the first ones were huge and heavy but they were amazing. I have to say I am always grateful to a Mother who cooked home cooked meals even with the latest craze she still popped out amazing dinners every night.
Music was on vinyl records so they had to be handled with care or they would scratch and then your song would skip, I was so excited when the eight track came out and then came the cassette,with all knew things comes a knew challenge and what to do with those eight tracks. Entertainment was so simple, when I was young the thing to do was be outside until the sun went down. We played tag, red rover, frisbee, football, we even built forts inside and outside. I used to walk down several blocks to the local 7-11 and trade in the glass coke bottles for candy. I'll never forget the day I walked down to the store and they had switched to cans and they would not trade in bottles anymore.
My favorite toys where what I called a clacker toy, in the 70's every thing was brown green and orange at least at my house. My parents bought glass looking grapes as a decoration for their book shelf, they were the size of ping pong balls. While they were cool looking; after awhile my dad made me my clacker out of them. He drilled a hole down the middle of two and attached heavy string and I had the coolest gadget. You would bounce the balls together and with enough momentum the would fly up and down into each other really fast, it was better than a yo yo, which was my second favorite toy. My barbies where dressed in my remaing one sock that was found after the dryer ate the other one. I loved making my own clothes; until I saw the collection of lovely real clothes the neighbor had. Then I decided I was not into barbies anymore. My favorite tv show were I love Lucy and Mash. Now it is hard to find a decent thing to watch on tv without being shocked at whats on there, and yes it still shocks me. I guess what has not changed is that I can turn it off except now I just hit the off button on the remote.
So as I think back to how things have changed by small degrees, the newest things just seems normal, instead of the Wow factor. All the new things now seem to be items that require more of our time.
Now I am only 46 and I have seen some amazing changes, but my parents, grandparents, have seen so many things, I love to hear them speak of all the changes in their lives.
James E. Faust made a statement in 1999 right before the dawning of the 21 century, He said"There has been an explosion of secular knowledge. I believe that God has opened up these treasures of intelligence to enhance His purposes here on the earth. The new century will bring exponential advances in that treasury."
So twelve years later we can see the wisdom of that statement, as we see now all the things that have occured since then. I am sure it will continue to progress even faster, but in his statement he talked about the why of all the advances, to bring about His purposes, which is to bless his children and teach them about Jesus Christ.
It all comes down to choice, what do I want to fill my the precious time with. If I am accountable for my time and how I spend it, then I think it is important to try to find balance in our lives I guess where my thoughts are is I don't want to be sided tracked by life and my responsibilities by being lead away because of the easiness of the way. In the Book of Mormon in Alma 37:46
"Oh my son,(daughter) let us not be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so it was for our fathers; for so it was prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us. The way is prepared, if we look we may live forever.
If I liken that scripture to my life and what it means to me and the present topic. I can see how easy it would be for me and others to get caught up in all the this and that's. If we are so preoccupied with things that make life so easy; are we doing the small and simple things that bring us close to God and his Son Jesus Christ. Taking time to make them partners in our life. Making decisions and relying on the Holy Ghost to confirm if we have chosen our Father in Heaven's will for us. Reading the scriptures by book form, ipad, smart phone, they are all on there. Taking technology and using it for our spiritual benefit.
This morning I jumped on my laptop before work and watched a talk from a previous General Conference. To be able to have all that great information so quick at hand. It was a great start to my day, I was reminded by Elder Robert D. Hales how to wait on the Lord. This morning my thoughts can now turn to that topic whenever I have a quiet moment to reflect and apply it.
So my goal is to put the Heavenly Father and Savior first, starting my day out on my knees in prayer then reading or watching his word. My 24hrs at a time just seems to fit and go better if I put him first. I find time to do all the other wonderful things life has to offer; like getting lost in a good book, or watching a good movie, my favorite thing to do is spend time with my family. I love that I can skype my children wherever they are and see their sweet faces.
Getting to know my Granddaughter through the computer not ideal,but getting to see and hear her instead of a still picture is such a blessing of modern technology
Now the big buzz word is reality tv or online play video games. Staring into a screen supposedly watching real people in real situation, Scripted of course. Playing video games online with people you have never met for hours at time. Forming relationships based on whatever the person chooses to tell you.
We have been counseled to beware of the trappings of the adversary who lulls us into complacency. If he cant win with us on the blatant wrongs he will try to work on us through other things that are not bad per say but can lead us into traps that are hard to get out of
We live in the greatest time on this earth, where the Lord is pouring out the greatest blessings, men's mind enlightened to the mysteries of this great universe. Everyone of us is born with talents to be discovered and used for the benefit of others. Each of us has the responsibility to find out what those talents are and what he would like us to do with them. That is why our time on this earth is so valuable, to precious to waste away in the wrong path.
Find a way to use the great gifts of an advancing world but not get lost in it. Take time to look out the window and see the real view, take walks and go on trips to see what is really out there to be appreciated. Finding balance in our lives, learning from the past and taking advantage of the present day advantages.
I will continue to enjoy my Kindle, Smart phone, Lap top, Pinterest ,and Facebook and all the other fun things that come around. But when I go outside to watch my grandchildren play, I will not take out my electronics and surf while they play, I will run around with them enjoying every second I can.